Monday, 26 November 2012

November 24-25 - Solid Weekend

Did some damage at the games the weekend of Nov 24-25
Had an average buyin on $7.32 so in only 159 games its not like you can win a fortune
But i basically played a couple of sessions around 1 hour each
No major downswings and a pretty good looking graph for the weekend

I've doubled my original $250 roll now, up to $523.67 in 594 games (made $55 from deposit bonus)
As well as the money from the tables I've also accumulated about  $100 worth of Titan Points bringing my total profits up to $350ish in 14.9 hours so I've made about $23.5 an hour, with an average buyin of only $7.11

Weekend stats:
159 games
15.2% ROI
19.8 buyins won
$72 rake paid

Along with my graph since the start (total of 4 days playing)

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